Video Live Streaming Car Festival 2012 of Sri Venkatramana Temple, Mangalore

The Live Will Start at 04:00 Pm IST  30 -01-2012 of the Famous Car Festival of Mangalore , Spread the News 🙂

Sri Brahmarathothsava
Monday 30.01.2012
8.00am		Prarthana
9.00am          Panchamrithabhisheka
12.00noon       Pulakabhisheka, Shatkalashabhishekam
2.00pm 		Yajna
4.00pm          Yajna Poornahuthi Arathi
4.30pm 		Mahabali -( Golden Pallanki Savari)
5.30pm 		Ratha Pooja, Ratharohana
7.00pm 		Samaradhana
11.30pm		Shree Brahmarathostava
2.30Night       Vasantha Pooja

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